I've finished all my recent toned paper commissions from Emerald City Comic Con:
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Recent Toned Commissions
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Fir Darrig
To the left you can see a mock cover for the first story I wrote for him (in which he steals a cloak of darkness, a sword of light, and a purse of plenty from three giants to help a young peasant marry above his station)
Below you can read the Prologue as well as a follow-up 8 pager of a common folktale where I used lots of Photo reference of Julia and my Sisters-in-Law for the three sisters.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Ornate Saintly Dragon
I worked on my piece live on my Twitch stream while viewers worked at home and then on Monday we shared our finished pieces.
Here is my finished colored Dragon. And below are my steps to create it as well as the community submissions.
For #DiscoveringDragons, I post two or three prompt words for everyone to make into a dragon. It's a nice framework for artists of any skill level to focus some time on an 'assignment' to shake the rust off or get the pencil moving again––all while also being loose enough that there's plenty of room for individual expression and interpretation.This month the prompt was only two words: Ornate & Saintly. I opened a few tabs of google image searches of ornate patterns, saint icon art, and specifically a puppy being held up belly forward.
I started with a pencil drawing on copy paper of the form of the dragon with that puppy belly facing us and the little hind legs curled up--then I worked on a head shape. But for the most part, I only drew half of the dragon. Because I then scanned in and in Photoshop, was able to mirror the existing side to form the other. In this stage I also added in some stock ornate designs and patterns found in google search results to make a halo as well as a wing texture.
I then printed it out so I could do the tighter pencil drawing you see to the left on top of it on a light pad.I taped it to the back of a sheet of Strathmore 300 series bristol. Using a lightpad, I was able to see through the surface of the bristol as I inked the dragon. I used Copic Multiliner 0.7 & 0.3 SP pens to ink the art.
I knew the entire piece could become too busy with all the ornate patterning and jewels and halos, so I tried to keep the linework and texture as simple as I could. It was close, but I was able to finish my piece while I was still streaming.
For the final colors and all the highlights, shading, and texture I used the dodge and burn tools with a stock photoshop texture brush. Below you can again see the final rendered dragon.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Coin Stickers Process
The art on these stickers was inspired by the seal of Thomas Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick:
However, my mousified version was never intended for these stickers––it was going to be the 2023 Bookplate. After drawing it though, I wasn't convinced it would be right for that product and realized it would work perfectly for a 4" round sticker.
The circles were drawn in Photoshop where I combined all the paper drawings and added in the 'Hail Those Who Are Able The Guard Prevail' text.