Overlay Drawings:
As promised, I wanted to show a technique I use when I'm struggling with a complex scene or layout. I find it useful to draw parts of the scene and then place them on the lightbox to work on another portion. For example, I can draw this background inside Lockhaven and then on a different sheet of paper, be drawing the hares. This way if I don't like the hares, I can erase or start over without worrying about ruining my background drawing.

Ultimately, the photoshop composited images, which are cropped and sized for the final page layout, is printed and lightboxed onto the final bristol page.

Wednesday, September 30, 4-7 p.m.
signing at Comickaze Comics Books and More
San Diego, CA
Thursday, October 1, 7-9 p.m.
signing at Secret Headquarters
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, October 2nd, 8:30 p.m.
Live Art and Music Party, Co-Sponsored by Atomic Apple, ComicVine.com and Archaia
Room #204
Long Beach Comic Con at the Long Beach Convention Center
more details about the events can be found here

Patty Barden writes: "Last year, on November 1, my son and his sweetheart's wedding featured a Mouse Guard wedding cake--see attached. True fans. . . "Awesome Patty! And Congrats to the happy couple!
(no mention as to who made the cake)
Upcoming Appearances:Comickaze Comics signing: Sept. 30 (4-7pm)
Secret Headquarters signing: Oct. 1 (7-9pm)
Long Beach Comic Con: Oct. 2-4
Baltimore Comic Con: Oct. 10-11
Big Apple Con Oct. 16-18Forbidden Planet London signing: Nov. 7
Live Reading at the Flint Public Library Dec. 8 (6:30 & 7:30pm)
David do you have any plans for more signings in the UK?
Seeing those 2 panels come together in layers is now my most favorite thing ever. It doesn't detract from the art to see the process... it adds to what an incredible artist you are. It just goes to further show the kind of detail you put into your work, and how carefully you construct every scene.
Seeing as you're doing B&W editions with vellum, you do realize now that when you inevitably must do "The Art of Mouse Guard," you're going to have to do some kind of special paper inserts in a similar fashion, reproducing this process!
(PS> One of the pics doesn't enlarge.)
Morgen: Sorry, at this time only the signing at Forbidden Planet is possible. I'm traveling to Ireland with Julia for our anniversary and her birthday, so it's not supoosed to be a business trip at all.
Brandon: Glad you liked the inside view. I think I fixed the broken link on the last image.
No problem I'll see you in London in November hopefully ;)
UK! Awesome! Will you only be singing copies of that book purchased there or is it okay to take along maybe a couple of issues? Will the Black and white edition be out by then? So many questions...
Is it true about the rumors that you will be one of the big names taking on a Henson project????
- Luis
James: bring anything I have done work on/in (mouse guard, muppets, house of mystery, stuffins, etc) and I'll be happy to sign it. I do not think the Winter B&W will be out by then
Luis: I can confirm nor deny anything re Henson/archaia
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