First off, sorry about the blog silence. I am learning the dont's of working on many things at once. As a result, Mouse Guard 3 has been late, and I am very sorry. It is scheduled to be out in your LCS in February. It is at the printer currently. I have posted a preview of Issue #3 at the Mouse Guard Website:
Issue 3 Preview
I also would love to share the cover to issue #4. So far, it is my favorite cover and one that I am keeping (Julia twisted my arm to keep the cover of Fall #4 when it came out, funny that Fall's #4 is her favorite and Winter #4 is mine). I have had it set as my desktop for a long time now, but wanted to wait to show it until issue 3 was soon-to-hit.

In preparing for the Mouse Guard Role Playing game, I started drawing pages of small mice in different cloaks and with different weapons or representing different trades. Some of the excersice was for me to quickly nail down some design ideas of mice that have been mentioned, but never seen. The other goal was to push the idea of how many lifestyles, roles, etc make up the Guard and support the Guard's work. Role Playing isn't about who has better stats or just snicker-snacking hundreds of foes...it's about

Fan Art:
Again I wanted to share a piece of fan art, this time done by my friend Mike Davis. Mike and I have known each other since we took art class in middle school together. He was in my wedding and is the basis for one of the mice in Mouse Guard. He sent over this little doodle and I slapped some color on it. Thanks Mike!!

And one last misc. piece. Last spring Julia's cousin Ian was having a birthday and we covertly had her uncle ask him who his favorite Star Wars character was. Answer: Boba Fett
Watercolor on Reives printmaking paper.
I'll try to post again soon.