As I mentioned in a past post, I will be attending the London Super Comic Con as well as making at least one shop appearance in London (Forbidden Planet). I've had enough requests, that the image I did for the LSCC program guide (left) will also be available as a limited print at the convention and the store signing(s). My German publisher heard I was coming to Europe and kindly invited me to come to Berlin & Leipzig to promote the upcoming release of German edition of Legends of the Guard. The signing times and locations for the Germany trip are still being finalized, but will occur slightly after the London events. (I have also updated the list of all my 2012 appearances below)

The image to the right is a print image I made for the German signings. I kept in theme with the UK piece featuring a Guardmouse with heraldic animal imagery and the nation's flag. The Black eagle is a symbol of Germany, and I based the mouse's armor on designs of German Saxon armor. At this point, I do not intend to have copies of these prints available outside of these events and locations, though both images are slated to be in this year's sketchbook.
This book is long overdue, and I have a small update on it. If you had ordered it ages ago when Archaia originally solicited it, you may be getting a notice from your local comic shop or online retailer that Archaia has canceled the order and the book. The orders have been canceled in part due to how old the solicitation was for them and that the book will need to be re-solicited to get current and accurate orders. The book is a tricky one to publish because of it's limited nature, it's costly overlay sheets, and it's larger size. We still have every intention to publish the book, IT has not been canceled, only the past orders. I will be talking to Archaia very soon and nailing down a new plan for release and try to get you all current information as soon as I can.

Casey Crowe writes: "Was just rereading the third issue of Black Axe and, damn, those thorn bushes are ominous looking in the last panel! Anyway, felt inspired to give'em a shot myself and so I did this little drawing - hope ya dig it!" ---I do dig it Casey, I do indeed!
2012 Appearances:
London Super Con: Feb 25-26
Forbidden Planet London signing: March 1
German Appearances: Location/Date/Time TBD
Emerald City: March 30-April 1
C2E2: April 13-15
Boston Comic Con: April 21-22
FCBD: Jetpack Comics: May 5th
Heroes: June 22-24
San Diego Comic Con: July 11-15
Baltimore Comic Con: Sept 8-9
New York Comic Con: Oct 11-14
Detroit Fanfare: Oct 26-28
Boston Comic Con: April 21-22
FCBD: Jetpack Comics: May 5th
Heroes: June 22-24
San Diego Comic Con: July 11-15
Baltimore Comic Con: Sept 8-9
New York Comic Con: Oct 11-14
Detroit Fanfare: Oct 26-28