I will be at the New York Comic Con . I'll be spending most of my time at my table in Artist's Alley (I3), but I will also have some signing times at the ASP booth (949). And ASP just informed me we will have 500 copies of Winter #5 available! We should also have copies of the RPG, Fall 1152, and the other Winter issues at the ASP booth.
Cursed Pirate Girl

Boom Studios asked me to do some covers for their new Mr. Stuffins series. The book is about a Teddy-Ruxbin style stuffed bear that is programed more the the vein of 007 than a kid's best friend. So I did 3 covers saluting the spy/espionage genre starting with #1 a car chase (with one of my favorite classic cars, a 1957 Corvette). I don't have solicitation dates yet, but keep your eye out for it in previews.
I will be out-of-town for almost all of Feb. We start with NYCC and then a 12 day trip to Fairbanks Alaska for several events as part of the Guys Read program (more on that once I get back) and the last leg of the trip is Wondercon. What this means is that I will be out of reach for next month and won't be able to do my normal blog posts or respond to as many e-mails. I do plan on having some pre-written posts throughout Feb. that I can quickly make 'live' all about Old Time Radio.
So until March, see ya folks!
(My sister-in-law will be staying here with the dog, so pet lovers, don't get worried about Autumn)
Sweet, i live in a town near Fairbanks. I should go check whatever it is your doing out. Exciting!!!
Goodies to come, hooray!
I think Mr Stuffins 1 and The Muppets : Robin Hood are both in the Feb Previews too - FEB09 4133 and Feb 09 4143.
I'm soooo glad you'll be going to Heroes Con. I'll try my darndest to get on your commission list.
So, I was thinking could you or a guest artist do a daily strip of say even another group of guard mice. I am not sure I can, continue to go on without some daily dose of mousy goodness.
Nice seeing you again at the convention. I posted my sketches on my blog and of course yours is there.
My son Noah loves Mouse Guard! He just read his first one (about 5 times) and he can't wait to read more.
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