BEST CARTOONIST : David Petersen/Mouse Guard
BEST COLORIST : David Petersen/Mouse Guard
BEST GRAPHIC ALBUM – PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED : Mouse Guard Winter 1152 & M0use Guard Fall 1152 Black & White limited ed.
SPECIAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PRESENTATION : Mouse Guard Winter 1152 & M0use Guard Fall 1152 Black & White limited ed.
The Harvey's are nominated and voted on by popular vote, so every vote counts. Click Here to start voting.
Upcoming Appearances:*
Graham Crackers Comics Chicago, IL May 1st (FCBD)
Motor City Con: May 14-16
Kids Read Comics: June 12th (Sat. only)
San Diego (Artist Alley): July 22-25
Baltimore Comic Con: August 28-29
*more 2010 dates may be added
Great video! :)
That trailer just makes me want a Mouse Guard animated series. I think it needs a gravelly voice guy though.
Will there be any limited edition black and white Legends of the Guard going to stores if they order a certain amount? Like how other company's have variants?
Iohannes: Thank you!
Morgen: Not only did this get me excited for what a film could be, but also what a full length motion comic could be.
Luis: No Black & White ed. for Legends. Not all of the contributors work in ink and then digital color..some paint and draw in rendered pencil. Instead of re-releasing a Legends volume, I'd much rather go on to a new volume with 12-13 more creators (and this currently is the plan)
Well I would have thought about a film but I recall your plans being a live action/CGI hybrid.
Is the ultimate plan to have Legends cover the months in between the main mouse guard series. So Legends/Black Axe/Legend 2/Mouse Guard 4/Legends 3 etc or is that asking for too much :P
On the subject of Legends I think Katie Cooks contribution is the one I'm excited to see (also her Fraggle stuff)
Are there any plans for a paperback Winter? I know the B&W edition often gets asked about but I liked the extra pin-ups in Fall.
I asked about the con poster you did a couple of blog posts ago. What I should have said is "when you're done with this years cons and assuming you have any left will you be selling them on your website/blog". You sold the '09 sketchbook in a similar way and I thought it a great way to give non-con fans a bit of swag ;)
Yeah I have one of the same questions as Morgen. Do you have extra posters, and if so could fans possibly buy them? I think I emailed you to ask about it, but my email is messed up sometimes, and i couldn't tell if it sent you the right email. I love the video, especially how the snow moves and the lantern lights flicker!!! Its just like what I imagine when I read the books! :)
Morgen: The plan is for more Legends series to fill gaps when I'm working between series.
No paperback of Winter. Villard published the Fall paperpack and we don't plan on having them do Winter as well.
Perhaps after San Diego we will sell sketchbooks, but I am supposed to limit my sales of posters, sketchbooks etc. to conventions per my contract at Archaia
Great video there :)
Will there be a new sketchbook this year for San Diego perchance? If so, I'll add it to the shopping list aside from the new poster...
Awesome news about Legends!
Shame about the paperback but I'm not to bothered as the hardcovers exist ;)
Well I'd rather buy sketchbooks and posters from you and not an ebay seller. I don't understand Archaia's thinking on this unless they have shares in Ebay!
Is there a 2010 sketchbook because I don't recall you blogging a cover this year?
Mayhem & Morgen: Yes, there will be a sketchbook this year. I have not finalized the cover yet.
Morgen: It's not a bad decision for Archaia. The sketchbooks, posters, buttons etc. are 100% me. I make them and pay for them and don't have to share profit. I do this to make a little extra cash, and to keep the sketchbooks on a small enough level to keep them profitable.
If I wanted to take it to an online sales level, I would need to cut them in and have them produce them instead of me. It just becomes a bigger deal than I wanted it to be.
Is there a legends of the guard poster i saw one on ebay and was really confused? It had a picture that I had never seen before but looked like your work? It was a boat with some mice on it at night. Just wondering.
DAB: That poster was a freebie that Archaia was handing out to promote Legends of the Guard and Return of the Dapper Men (on the back)
I don't have any copies of that for sale (and they were never meant to be sold anyhow)
Oh cool. Sorry if I said it that way, but I didn't mean to ask for one. I was just asking if there was one.
DAB: No worries. I didn't take it that way, just wanted to cover my bases incase the next person's comment was "Can I buy one from you directly"
Archaia may reprint them for San Diego (or some new poster..I don't know)
Ok, thanks for letting me know:)
Ah yes it all makes sense now. Thanks for the explanation ;)
Hmm, never saw that LotG poster at all on eBay and usually check every day! Somehow slipped under my radar. Out of interest David, was it just Wondercon where they given away by Archaia? Pity I missed it then... I'll have to keep my eyes even more open heh...
Oh, extra question. When is the collected LotG book planned for? I'll likely get the individual issues anyhows, but thought I'd inquire...
Yeah it wasn't listed as a lg poster. It just said mouse guard poster numero. It really didn't make any sense
That looks like an awesome previoew. I look forward to more.
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